Gorący kartofel
2010-11-09 22:19:11 - knrdz
(In the spirit of giving, Terry Cavanagh himself has offered a free,
giftable copy of VVVVVV on steam to everyone who bids on this auction!
what a guy!)
Re: Gorący kartofel
2010-11-10 00:06:11 - Mateusz Ludwin
> cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300491205217
> (In the spirit of giving, Terry Cavanagh himself has offered a free,
> giftable copy of VVVVVV on steam to everyone who bids on this auction!
> what a guy!)
I came :D
Horror and moral terror are your friends.
Mateusz Ludwin mateuszl [at] gmail [dot] com